muscles over menopause

Calling all midlife sisters 30’s, 40’s 50’s and beyond!
Strong, stable, bodies aren’t bought…they’re BUILT!
one workout at a time!
Discover how women (just like you) are regaining their bodies, building muscle, burning belly fat and getting expert answers to midlife nutrition and hormone questions!
Ashley Borden as seen in
With Results Like These
“All these changes have made me feel so different so fast!”
“You’re the answer to my prayers about my health!”
“I’m loving the structure and focus on strength.”
It’s no wonder women are LOVING the streamlined experience of Muscles Over Menopause!
Imagine an easy to follow, LIVE training program where you’re MOTIVATED to show up and every online workout, injury free. Even women newer to strength training with dumbbells are falling in love with the PROVEN Muscles Over Menopause 4.0 experience!
Because we’re in midlife, there’s ZERO time to waste. B.S. workout programs that aren’t created with your specific midlife needs in mind won’t give you the results you’re looking for. I said what I said.
To the struggling midlife woman who’s ready to start dominating strength training and receiving legit, expert answers to your complicated midlife hormone and food issues – Muscles Over Menopause [MOM] 4.0 is your streamlined, smart body shop!
A thriving, resilient, non yo yo-ing body can’t be bought by a plastic surgeon. They’re BUILT. one workout at a time.
There are LIFE changing training tips and tricks to learn if you expect to build the strong, leaner, hormone happy, painfree body you deserve.
Read on to see how, you too, can receive world class coaching, EXCLUSIVE, up to date, M.D. guided hormone/HRT information, blood work protocols, and non-insane Registered Dietitian food guidance from our high level, in demand [MOM] guest experts!
With Results Like These:
“I have never done a better workout or trained with anyone more expert on the science of leading a fitness program.”
“Ashley, you are pretty much a black belt at life in my opinion, your workouts changed my life!”
“I now believe I can lift heavy - I can tell that I'm gaining muscle!”
“[MOM] exceeded my expectations…the cueing and form explanations were awesome!”
“Ashley is the most knowledgeable trainer I’ve ever met. She’s able to push all of her students in ways to get them stronger without getting hurt.”
It’s no wonder [MOM] clients are RAVING about this life changing program.
You’ll build a strong, kick ass body, receive EXPERT hormone/HRT guidance, blood work protocols, Dietitian led food direction and world class weight training knowledge that will continue to level up your life, FOREVER.

“I look pretty damn toned!”
Amazing workouts, I look pretty damn toned…and I’m so psyched I did this! You helped me so much.”
Angela Howenstein
Style coach to women 40+
From: The (Standing) Desk of Ashley Borden, your certified, experienced, celebrity trusted, world class coach:
Let’s say it together, “Midlife body and hormone chaos sucks!!!” Especially if you’re overwhelmed and don’t have access to the right people and high level information, right?
And, if you’re like most midlife women I work with, you’re desperate to find a PROVEN training solution that’s sustainable, doable, safe and hormone friendly…
Well, the reality is this:
Whether you currently want to build muscle, bone density, attack that stubborn core belly fat or get answers to WTF is happening with your hormones etc - a lonely app, scrolling and saving random Instagram videos, or “just winging it” will NOT bring the physique changes and hormone release you’re looking for.
I mean... has any of that worked so far? If you’re like most women who start working with me, it’s very likely a “no.”
But this is ok! Because when you’re looking for midlife body and hormone answers and there is sooooo much information overload out there, sometimes it’s as simple as just saying “hell yes, I’m in!” and trusting the [MOM] PROVEN training process.
muscles over menopause
doesn’t just answer your midlife muscle building and belly fat burning needs… It also...
Creates a safe place for you to ask a dual board certified, OB/GYN Integrative Medical doctor all of your hormone, blood work midlife medical questions, and how to get the most out of YOUR provider. Along with a whip smart Registered Dietitian ready to address any food issues with sane, smart solutions.
Establishes a doable strength training routine that you can confidently repeat again and again, even after the program is over.
Helps you ditch the excessive cardio bunny, high rep class world where you just feel inflamed and never see any body fat decrease or muscle gains. You’ll learn all about “smart” cardio!
Prevents the “stuffed sausage” feeling when you're new to lifting weights because you’ll dial in my secret sauce of foam rolling that brings out more muscle definition, helps with mobility and revs up your metabolism.
And…[MOM] does all of this for you without YOU having to search far and wide for vetted, midlife experts who you can trust. Everything you’re looking for is in one place.
Your Body Is A Treasure Chest
Ready To Unlock!
And when you look around at all the thriving midlife women you currently follow and look up to...
They ALL have strength training in common and their hormone/blood work/food life sorted out in a way that that people say:
And you WILL start feeling strong, energized, clear and purposeful with a midlife plan of attack fully laid out via...
muscles over menopause 4.0
The #1 Mistake Midlife Women Keep Making:
When midlife women are OVERWHELMED and GUESSING with their fitness and hormone health, they FEEL MISERABLE.
They spin in total confusion and fog (hello lack of Estrogen!!) and grab onto temporary solutions that are just masking the root issues.
And if you're doing this, you know exactly what I’m talking about.
And you already know that an overwhelmed, foggy mind does NOT allow you to show up as your best self.
Or worse! Mistake #2…
When you don’t see the results you want, you just crank up the old school cardio, ditch the heavy weights and fall back into insane food restriction. A GUARANTEE to fuck up hormones, bring your metabolism to a screeching halt, lose hair, increase brain fog, and feel like a flabby, weak noodle.
It’s doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results. Total insanity!

You’re gonna waste A LOT of energy and time and never solve a single issue…
Just THROWING money at problems doesn’t work either!
Other struggling women recognize that they don’t know the kind of SCIENCE BASED workouts they NEED to be doing at this critical stage in life. It’s a huge reason their body feels like it’s falling apart! And because they don’t know what to do, they spend $1000’s of dollars on cleanses, expensive food delivery, even liposuction to permanently “fix it.”
But the reality is, throwing money at random solutions doesn’t make the core problem go away!
In fact, until you face the fact that yesterday was the time to start building more midlife muscle, your problems will continue to get worse.
And, after understanding the HORMONAL benefits of progressive strength training, foam rolling and big muscle group circuit training - it’s as clear and simple as this:
>>You aren’t at the end of the line.
>>You are reading EXACTLY what you need, right now!
Your body NEEDS my proven, world class workouts! Your future self DESERVES all of the up to date hormone, health and food answers.
How else do you expect to be there for anyone else, if you can’t get your midlife shit together first?!

But when you keep “avoiding” this skill of lifting heavy enough for your capacity, your body never reaches that hormone release threshold! You’ll miss out on: increased insulin sensitivity, tighter skin, heart health, a faster metabolism or all of the other incredible benefits!
So, what happens when training programs deliver garbage and teach you nothing?
How do you know if a program is any good?
What happens when it doesn’t deliver results?
Or they didn’t create the program with women's midlife needs in mind?
What then?
It’s back to square one of the information cluster fuck that is social media!
But, when you LEARN and MASTER the skills of how to lift weights with excellent form and intensity, bulletproof your core and foam roll like a pro…you take all of those skills with you, wherever you go, forever.
Looking at the 100’s of fitness programs on social media - you’re probably thinking…..

Well... you’re right! 80% of people who start a training program in January abandon their goal within the month because of no clear direction. But has there ever been a time where you purchase an app, program or equipment without any guarantee it will work?
Of course! Chances are, you at least check for testimonials before purchasing, right?
You reviewed the parts that got your attention, and you looked for important details relevant to making your decision.
Heck! You’re probably skimming this page too, ya?!
So, does someone really NEED to read every single word and detail about a training program or a piece of equipment to make a decision? NO!
Would you BUY a training program that has never been tested, has zero testimonials, un qualified people trying to lead you and was not created for the midlife woman's specific needs in mind?
No way!
So what’s more important?
A pound of muscle on your body burns about 4-6 more calories per day than a pound of fat. You can increase your resting calorie burn by a VERY significant amount! (Resource)
Strength training 3x a week can significantly improve your quality of SLEEP, and it showed a 50% reduction in depressive episodes for midlife women. (Resource)
The common, irresponsible phrase, “Don’t lift more than 3lbs of weight or you’ll get bulky” has been BUSTED as a stupid myth! In fact, it’s been found that resistance training SPECIFICALLY helps to target stubborn core belly fat/visceral fat! (Resource)
If you have HOT FLASHES AND NIGHT SWEATS, progressive strength training 3x a week has been shown to SERIOUSLY reduce the symptoms for post menopausal women. (Resource)
Making the switch from high intensity, high rep/low weight classes to low intensity, heavier strength training creates MAJOR improvements in midlife muscle strength, muscle building and overall life capability. (Resource)
...that you read *EVERYTHING* you need to make an informed decision…
OR that you trust the glowing feedback of all the women before you who can’t get enough of [MOM], that keep signing up, again and again every round?!
🗣️ “I feel different just by doing these workouts. I'm just sad there's only 5 weeks :(“
-Missy C.
🗣️ “I'm keeping up with all the workouts [via replay] and now my hubby wants to join me. So cool. Loving it all!”
-Tracy M.
🗣️ “All these [form] changes have made me feel so different so fast thank u!”
-Cindy R.
🗣️ “The body I have now is the one I’ve always wanted. The whole thing is fascinating."
-Amy S.
>>You want MORE expert guidance, body results and
>>answers to insane midlife riddles, not less, right?
The reality is, getting our life back and THRIVING is about a smart, well rounded, up to date approach that builds strength, fosters vitality and builds self assurance!
So, now that you see how freaking life saving muscle building is for midlife women specifically - you may begin to feel the slightly daunting and intimidating task of jumping in and committing…
Do You Currently Suffer From:
"I-don’t-recognize-myself-when-I look-in-the-mirror” Syndrome?’
If you’re like most women who have read this far, you’re starting to see the possibility of a strong, stable, midlife body and what it will do for your metabolism, insulin sensitivity, skin tightness, hormones, clarity, sex life and capability. But you’re probably imagining yourself staring at ground zero while you ask yourself:
- “Where do I even start?!”
- “What type of workouts do I even do?”
- “Will I feel alone training online with a group?”
- “How do I know I’m lifting heavy enough for a hormone release without hurting myself?
It can be so daunting and intimidating that you avoid it all together and just keep doing what HASN’T been working! Or, you keep hoping that what worked for you in your 20’s will magically start to work again (It won’t).
And I get it.
But here's a little 'Insider Secret' for ya:
Strong, stable, great looking midlife bodies aren’t created with a tap of a magic wand…THEY ARE BUILT!
You see, there’s a RECIPE to a strong, stable, toned, midlife body! And this body freedom recipe consists of 4 ingredients... or ELEMENTS.
And if you’re missing even just one element, you run the risk of running in circles and hopelessly questioning every single thing you're doing.
So, just like a classic riddle:
“How do you eat an elephant a gigantic pizza?” Answer: “One bite at a time!”
We can ask a similar question:
How do you create the most stable, strong, hormone friendly midlife body?
There is also a specific WAY to each dial in each of those elements. PLUS... each element must be approached in the right way.
So, what if you had a program that leads you with confident direction for each of those things? Imagine if you could follow these steps with clarity and simplicity…
🔑No more wondering if a workout will actually build muscle and shift your physique!
🔑No more feeling overwhelmed with workouts, hormones or food!
🔑No more wasting time or money!
Imagine just for a moment...
That you had a proven, step by step strength training experience expertly laid out for you to create a confident, thriving body and GET YOU ON TRACK TO THE PERSON YOU REMEMBER in as little as 5 weeks…
…EVEN if you’ve never experienced an online training program before in your life!
…think about having front row access to ask your midlife mystery questions to world renowned, high demand experts that normally cost thousands of dollars and have months long waitlists…
And you already know once you’re on’re fucking unstoppable!
You’d never have to second guess yourself again! Isn’t it amazing to work with a PROVEN training system and a network of vetted, whip smart experts to give personalized direction that will help for years to come?!
Wouldn’t that be nice?
Well, you don’t have to “imagine” any longer. Because... it’s here!

The Proven, Step-by-Step, Online Strength Training Experience. Build Your Strongest, Most Stable, Optimized, Midlife Body YET!
... 100% Money back GUARANTEE
Result-Based, Level Appropriate, Weight Training Program That Takes the Intimidation and Confusion Out Of the Process. LIVE Led Classes Where I Coach You Safely and Effectively Through Essential, Muscle Building Workouts.
Exclusive Access To World Class Experts; Felice Gersh, M.D. and Kim Sharipa M.S., R.D. Covering All Of Your Hormone and Nutrition Questions - Eliminates the Hassle and Insanity of Finding Legitimate Experts for Midlife Answers!
Detailed Workout and Food Plan PDF’s, That Support You With Helpful “How to Videos”, Along With a Detailed, 80 Page, Anti Inflammatory Food Plan To Guide Your Nutrition Goals.
Steal My Secret Sauce Foam Rolling and Recovery Techniques - The Cherry On Top Of Your Workouts And Keys To Longevity, Muscle Definition, Mobility and Metabolism!
...because you deserve to regain your confidence back and the YOU that you remember!
It’s time to give your life the high-performing makeover it deserves! Just like it’s done for past [MOM] clients:

“Your workouts help me so much!”
“Muscles Over Menopause gives me peace of mind that I’m doing something [right] for my body. Also, helps me structure my week, and sleep better. So many benefits!”
Award Winning Writer/Producer
And then there is Sharon, who took her foggy, midlife confusion and hopelessness...
From this 😫:
“I can’t find anyone with answers to my hormone hell!”
“You are the answer to my prayers about my health! I know I might sound melodramatic here but honestly... I feel so seen!”
-sharon y.
Women (exactly like you) who’re flipping the mental stitch from their deprived, old school mindset of, “get as skinny as possible” to “I’m getting as strong as possible!” and finally feeling body freedom! Body confidence and aesthetics are the side effects…

“It’s the first time in my life I’m not totally obsessed w/ being as thin as possible”
It's amazing bc it's the first time in my life I'm not totally obsessed with being as thin as possible instead lifting makes my brain feel good and the payoff is my body looks good too. lol.
arielle meiers
Kick Ass Hairdresser, NY, NY

Each section of Muscles Over Menopause is expertly laid out in 5 LIFE CHANGING PILLARS.
You experience 5 weeks of OPTIMIZING your strength training, food and hormones for your most stable, strong physique - yet!
Muscle Building Preview, Master it!
Nail Down Your Core Connection, Feel It!
Secret Sauce Foam Rolling, De-Puff It!
Your Powerful Strength Training Classes, Dominate It!
Hormones, Food and Blood Work, Get Answers for All Of It!
We train together, LIVE, as I clearly lead you via convenient, online classes. EVERYTHING is designed to take the confusion out of “am I doing this right!?” so you experience the most effective, informative, strength training program yet!
Plus, you’ll feel seen, safe and connected within this group of likeminded, action oriented, midlife women who’re taking their lives back and discovering how the process of building muscle can also be SIMPLE, EFFECTIVE and FUN!
Because when fellow fitness professionals rave about your training programs, you know they’re LEGIT…

“Ashley has so much knowledge!”
"Ashley walks the walk and talks the talk, and has so much knowledge to share with women in their 50's!"
Owner-Madison Ave Strength Lab
@ tinamarieguaglianone
SEE what's waiting for you inside once you become a member…
Detailed online strength training classes and world renowned expert medical and nutrition guidance make the 5 essential sections for you to GET YOUR LIFE BACK and answers to all of your midlife mystery questions!

pILAR 1:
MASTERING Upper & lower body exercises
The Essential “On Ramp” Week to Capability, Maximizing Movement and
Setting You Up For Total Body Success!
Every killer recipe is made up of a list of ingredients... like a cake for example. Forget
one key ingredient (like the sugar) and the cake is ruined! That’s how Muscles Over Menopause [MOM] works…
Inside [MOM] you won’t just get a bunch of random videos (“ingredients”) thrown together. You’ll get a layered, step-by-step, approach that sets you up to SEE AND FEEL RESULTS.
The “On Ramp” is packed with a week of impactful, fun, easy to absorb classes where I teach you specific tips and tricks to master every exercise you’ll do during [MOM]. You’ll approach every workout without having to second guess yourself.
Imagine how much easier it will be to develop your strength, physique and happy hormones when you simply follow the plan and trust the process!
The 5 “Ingredients” of a thriving midlife body: Reclaiming your body and feeling like, “Pardon me world, but here I come! Next freaking level!”:
Below is a Sneak-Peak of ALL the Pillars That You’ll Accomplish while Inside Muscles Over Menopause:
- Tips and Cues To Mastering Confidence with Strength Training
- It’s All Core Connected
- Foam Roll and De Puff
- Strong AF Workouts and Exclusive Expert Q+A’s

You’re not just getting the “recipe,” I’m giving you everything you need to thrive even AFTER this is over! You’ll have forever access to all the tools.
Here's a sneak peak of what we covered in our FREE OPEN HOUSE!
The beauty of [MOM] workouts are - you’ll never hit a plateau.
You’ll continue to get stronger - building confidence and capability. You'll have the body knowledge and exercise confidence to repeat the Muscles Over Menopause program again and again.

pILAR 2:
CORE BRACING- Fundamentals
How the Pro's build bulletproof midsections! Skills that protect the entire body and keys to you managing heavier weight and looking fucking snatched!
Get inside my brain! When you’ve been coaching women for over 3 decades - in numerous stages of strength and body awareness- you’ll immediately understand how it all clicks as you get inside my brain and see how I distinctively cue you.
And why is my cueing you so different from most?! In this Section…

How the Pro's build bulletproof midsections! Skills that protect the entire body and keys to you managing heavier weight and looking fucking snatched!
Get inside my brain! When you’ve been coaching women for over 3 decades - in numerous stages of strength and body awareness- you’ll immediately understand how it all clicks as you get inside my brain and see how I distinctively cue you.
And why is my cueing you so different from most?! In this Section…
I’ll Reveal the Invisible Elements Beneath the Surface That Make You Connect To Your Core and Feel It, Immediately!
- Step by step assessments of what kind of bracing is appropriate for what movements
- Taping into the power of your breathing
- How to know if your core is properly locked down before you load or move around heavy weight for that hormone release work!
HOW VITAL THE WAY you brace core is to total confidence with every single exercise.
THE REAL TRUTH between "pilates core work” and “strength training core work” and how to accurately use the right bracing, when.
THE ART OF CORE BRACING takes you from feeling soft and weak to solid and snatched ... even if you’re like most women and thinking, “I’ve tried everything and nothing’s worked!”

The beauty of [MOM] workouts are - you’ll never hit a plateau.
You’ll continue to get stronger - building confidence and capability. You'll have the body knowledge and exercise confidence to repeat the Muscles Over Menopause program again and again.

pILAR 3:
Secret Sauce Foam Rolling Techniques
for the cherry on top of your training!
"It’s not enough to just show up and throw some weights around... it’s gotta be sustainable and NOT make you feel like a stuffed sausage, right?!"
Today, the Muscles Over Menopause system is elevated above all other training programs. Because of how well rounded and established the coaching and workouts are presented - you’ll feel it immediately.
Think about it! What's your first impression about a training program when you see a basic app like this:
Uninspiring? Lonely? Technically Confusing?
And you think you’ll successfully complete 5 transforming weeks on your own? Probably not!

Think about it! What's your first impression about a training program when you see a basic app like this:
Uninspiring? Lonely? Technically Confusing?
And you think you’ll successfully complete 5 transforming weeks on your own? Probably not!
So, how do you increase mobility, release muscle “knots” and increase blood flow without breaking the bank with expensive massage sessions?
Inside Secret Sauce Foam Rolling I walk you through...
Simple-to-follow techniques anyone can learn to speed up recovery and decrease inflammation!
Precisely how and where to optimize use your foam roller pre and post workout!
Plus! Get access to my detailed, 12 point, full body, foam rolling guide you can use, instantly!

pILAR 4:
Powerful, progressive strength training classes and exclusive expert Q+A sessions
everything saved and organized for the self paced, replay crew!
The last thing you need is the “World’s Greatest Midlife Training Experience” sitting on your desktop collecting dust. Until it gets utilized, it won’t do anything to help you build muscle, answer your hormone questions and unlock a clear plan of action!
That’s why I created an easy to navigate, ONE STOP SHOP for all of your replay classes, expert Q+A talks and PDF’s. Without using a fancy schmancy app that’s impossible to navigate.
If you can follow my coaching and expert suggestions, you can build midlife muscle, decrease inflammation, attack belly fat and get your food, hormones and life on track!
“This is Great Ashley! ...But what if I’m Out Of Shape and Have Only a Little Strength Training Experience?”
This is about the time where you might be saying, “Ya Ashley, but shouldn’t I focus on just losing weight first before I start this program?" NO!
Thinking you need to be a certain number on the scale BEFORE you start [MOM] is BACKWARDS!
When you’re following the [MOM] system - building muscle AND eating yummy, nutrient dense, anti-inflammatory foods at the same time…
... then you’ll create the strong, stable body that you’ve been longing for without the insane deprivation!
Every body-confident, strong, midlife woman I know always puts strength training as her main form of exercise, FIRST.
If not, it’s an uphill battle:
- Trying to rev up a slow metabolism
- Never having sound sleep
- Keeping type 2 diabetes at bay
- Addressing loose body skin
- Dealing with hormone issues
- Baffled that your physique won’t change - no matter how many high rep, low weight classes you take a week
"Wait, Ashley! Are you saying this program doesn't just build muscles helps create a preventive, clear headed, hormone friendly body, too?!"
Yes. That's EXACTLY what I'm saying. 😎
And Check Out These Client Testimonials!
"Ashley, you actually are the best there is."
"Ashley you actually are the best there is. The kindest. The funniest, the FUNNEST and you CHANGE BODIES, and you are generous and intentional with your words of encouragement. I feel so lucky to be working with you. Big fan. Duh. YOU FKIN RULE"
-Lena Headey
5x Emmy nominated actress
"Game Of Thrones"

“I’m keeping up with all the workouts and now my hubby wants to join me. So cool. Loving it all!“
- Tracy Macon
“I feel stronger than EVER!”
“Ashley has changed my perspective on lifting. I was afraid because I had no idea how much I could push myself, your workouts are VERY deceiving lol in a GOOD WAY! Also, I feel stronger than ever... I'm just sad there's only 5 weeks!😕”
Melissa Maalouf
Physician, NY

“Wow!! I would not be surprised if your [MOM] training program starts building insane momentum!!! It is such an excellent program! I hope it's been as rewarding for you as it is for us!”
- Sharon Yu
See Why Muscles Over Menopause [MOM] Clients Say:
"This program has completely empowered my hormone health approach, making me safe and strong when strength training. I finally feel confident and HOPEFUL about my midlife self!”
When you enroll in [MOM], you’re getting the culmination of my 30 years
of hands on, mental and physical transformations. From the Today Show, The Kelly Clarkson Show, Revenge Body, Elle, Vogue, Women’s Health and Harpers Bazaar, to mega company groups and 1:1 assessments and coaching
I’ve generated 100’s of life changing transformations…helping people get stronger from the inside out!
And today, my private clients pay me between $30,000-$75,000 a year to level up their bodies, like we are in [MOM].
These same clients are some of today’s biggest award winning actors, Rock Stars, Pop Stars, Royalty and CEO’s – and they all know that even just one tweak in their regimen can be the difference that shifts their physique, confidence and power!
And whether you’re a new-ish beginner, or wanting that extra accountability and expert guidance - then chances are you can already see what an EXPERIENCED Master Trainer will do for you, right?
And let’s not just look at improving bone density, enhancing heart health and the muscle building benefits -
...but also getting life changing directions via our dual board certified, OB-GYN spelled out for you. Have the right questions to ask your provider SO YOU CAN ADVOCATE FOR YOUR HORMONE HEALTH with better medical clarity.
You’ll also be empowered by our brilliant, Registered Dietitian Q+A -where you’ll absorb doable, legit, nutrition tips and guidance SPECIFICALLY FOR MIDLIFE WOMEN.
And the best part...
You get to take everything you learn and accomplish within [MOM] with you, forever!
And look, the mistake most midlife women make when it comes to their body is they think if they just did what worked in their 20’s (high rep/low weight classes) - but more of them - that their physique will magically tighten up and build muscle (it won’t).
But let me ask you…
If you don’t know what to do or look for when it comes to strength training and hormone guidance, how will you know if a class, an app or a training program is actually going to work?
Sure, you can test them out. But after you spend all the time and money, wouldn’t it be safer and smarter to simply learn how to do it most effectively - at a fraction of the cost my private clients pay?
So that leads me to how much the investment is to get your hands on this system…
For the past decade, if you wanted to work with me, you would need to invest $800-$2500 for a single master assessment session, spend thousands on 1:1 training, or drop $10,000-$15,000 on private intensives.
And you’re about to learn what I’ve taught and guided other women about creating a stable physique, recovery, nutrition, baffling hormone answers and muscle building
... without the big price tag!
Muscles Over Menopause 4.0 is $499 NOW $397!
At that price, it’s a no-brainer.
Why? Because your body will immediately feel the inflammation difference, core connection and confidence with “how to” lift weights when you implement just a FEW of my techniques…
AND when you utilize your Q+A answers from guest experts: Felice Gersh, M.D., the hormone queen herself (dual board certified in Integrative Medicine and OB-GYN) and implement any of Kim Shapira M.S., R.D. 's simple, yet smart and effective nutrition tips -
You’ll INSTANTLY know you’re on the right rack and feel the shift in your well-being!
But here’s the best part…
When you join, you don’t have to pay the full $397.
For the next few days, you can join for just 2 Installments of $207.
And yes, you can save an additional $97 when you INVEST in Full!
Plus, you can rest easy knowing I’ve taken out all ALL the risk from investing!

"I'm loving the structure
and the focus on strength...”
"I'm loving the structure and the focus on strength...
I had already been trying to get strength in 2 to 3 days a week but I didn't like any of the programs I tried because I was afraid l'd get hurt with bad form or something but Ashley's demos and cueing have changed that!!
I hope there is a way to keep going after these 4 weeks are over!"
Crystal Thimsen
photo credit
That Lets You Sleep Easily At Night!
The fact that you’re reading this section means you already know [MOM] 4.0 will help you lead the most vibrant, strong, self-assured life - but maybe you still have a bit of doubt. Hesitation. Risk. I get it. Like…
"Ashley, this sounds too good to be true!
How am I supposed to know this is really what I need?”
Well… that’s simple. Try it.
And Because “Gift-Giving” is My LOVE Language,
I’ve Got More For YA:
When You Enroll You’ll Get
Designed to make your muscle building and macro intake a breeze, answer all of your hormone questions- and keep your body feeling de puffed, mobile and strong!
The S.O.S. Food Plan:
“i lost nearly 6.6 lbs in my first week!”
I am really enjoying The S.O.S. Food Plan! I lost neraly 6.6 lbs in my first week on this plan... Brilliant! I’m not stressed about food anymore and I’m not depriving myself of anything. Please pass my thanks to Ashley!
Fitness Instructor, Australia
Fitness Instructor, Australia
The Guide: Full Body Foam Rolling
What if you had the secret sauce BLUEPRINT of exactly how to foam roll every muscle on your body? The answer to speedy recovery, de-puffing that “stuffed sausage” feeling ya sometimes get after lifting, better muscle definition and boosting your circulation.
That’s exactly what your body will experience with this easy to follow, concise PDF that’s yours, free!
My team and I spent weeks creating the best visuals and clear, step by step instructions and have put them together in a beautiful PDF you can start using, immediately!
Professional, crazy helpful guide
with over 11 different body points
Save HOURS & skip all the fuss with Googling
“how to use a foam roller” ..I’ve done it all for you!
Save HUNDREDS of dollars on massage therapists.
Use my guide that’s ready to assist you and helps you unwind and unlock your body in minutes!
Check out all of this feedback!

The Core Intensive
Picture this, you wake up seeing your tummy flatter, your waist is feeling snatched for the first time and your capability to BRACE and move heavy shit is on point! All of a sudden your workouts feel safer and with every exercise you can feel your core! Even if it’s not a “core move”.
That’s precisely how you’ll feel using this 4 part, progressive, core intensive that’s another free body bonus!
PROVEN, core focused workouts that you use as stand alone workouts, or add to what you’re doing already - beyond [MOM]!
Save your BACK! This was created after my L4/L5 back injury, and you can use it with confidence knowing you’re developing a bulletproof core- not a bunch of mindless moves that you can’t do or keep up with.
USE FOREVER- the genius of The Core Intensive is you’ll never hit a plateau and say. “Now what?!”. Each workout is scalable and created for women who feel like, “I’ve never seen any results with my middle, especially midlife!” or ”My core feels so weak!” NOT ANYMORE!
YES THERE’S MORE! You‘ll have front row access to two incredible expert Q+A’s that will answer your baffling midlife, medical and nutrition questions. You’ll feel SEEN and won’t have to weed through all of the confusing B.S that’s out there regarding hormones, blood work, lifestyle and nutrition.
We already know that there are midlife questions you NEED answered... but sometimes you just don’t know how to access the right person...or maybe, you know, but their fees are just too expensive!
I understand that 100%!
With this double bonus, you’ll get to tap into the minds Dr. Felice Gersh, M.D., and Kim Shapira M.S., R.D.- Two wildly whip smart women. You’ll get word for word guidance to approach your medical provider with the right questions to ask regarding your blood work, supplements and hormones…
And nutrition protocols designed to easily help you hit your protein and fiber intake without feeling like eating cottage cheese is your full time job!
[MOM] clients have raved that these Q+A’s are literally LIFE CHANGING because you’re finally getting your burning midlife questions answered with direction.
I don’t need to remind you that having a 3 heavy hitting, vetted, midlife experts will only help give you clarity and the direction you’ve been looking for, right?

When you join Muscles Over Menopause 4.0, you'll receive instant access to everything you need to develop the strength, resilience and self assurance to navigate the most THRIVING, transformative stage of this magical midlife - yet!

THE CENTERPIECE- STRENGTH AND HEART HEALTHY LIVE LED CLASSES! Dumbbells only classes (also on replay) where I train you 3x a week for 5 weeks. Classes that leave you feeling exhilarated, strong and the most core connected you have ever been!
The S.O.S. Food Plan: 80 in-depth pages of a beautiful, Dietitain approved, anti-inflammatory food plan and behaviour guidance that every woman needs to get off the diet track - and onto intuitively trusting yourself with optimal food choices and muscle supporting meals!
Full Body Foam Rolling Guide with step by step photos and written guidance for each body part where you’ll immediately feel increased circulation, better mobility, and see muscle definition. Not to mention the power of knowing how to troubleshoot your own body, and have your “masseuse” on hand 24/7!
The Core Intensive, 4 additional, progressive, full body core workouts with “how to” videos for perfect execution and zeroing in on your strongest, most bulletproof, core, ever. Perfect on their own or to accompany any other type of training! You’ll never plateau,you’ll just keep getting stronger!
Private Q+A Access to world renowned, dual board certified, Integrative Medicine/OBGYN, Dr. Felice Gersh (who has a months-long wait list, doesn’t take insurance, and costs a pretty penny out of pocket!) and the brilliant, celebrity Dietitian with A-list clients a mile long, Kim Shapira M.S., R.D. -
And much, much more!
This makes everything you get well over $5,000 in value! And you can get it all for just $207 today!
Your well being and future self is About One Thing:
Getting your hands on this training program I created specifically for MIDLIFE WOMEN and including answers for every single aspect of our health and well being.
Think about it! Every great change or transformation you’ve experienced ALWAYS began with you making a choice.
And that’s what you’ll need to do as well: Choose.
If you already have a killer strength training program that’s working wonders for you, and your hormones and nutrition are totally dialed in, you don’t really need this program... you need to be celebrating!
But, if you currently don’t have a clear, expert developed, proven strength training game plan, and feel confusion and hopelessness and around your hormones, sleep and food -
then your options are simple:
You can also choose to avoid the problems all together and hope they will magically take care of themselves - (they won’t.)
OR, you can choose to trust this process, get 100% committed and do something about it right now!
If being an action taker sounds like you, then now is your time to get signed up and get started! Otherwise, you can just click right off this page and go back to doom scrolling.
But CHOOSE Quickly!
For the “inaugural launch” of Muscles Over Menopause 4.0 - the experience is only available with a 2 part payment option for a few short days. Which means you will never be able to get all of this HIGH LEVEL COACHING and life changing information and direction at such a low price.
Which means there has never been a better time than Right Now to get started!
But if you put this off, what will change? Everything… for the worse.

(Just $247 Today!)

“I follow the exact program”
Not only did I develop Muscles Over Menopause, I follow the exact program right along with you!
I practice exactly what I preach. No B.S. over here!
Ashley Borden
Master Personal Trainer
In Case There's ANYTHING I Missed, Here are SOME Commonly Asked Questions:

When are the workouts? What's the schedule? CLICK TO REVEAL ANSWER

What makes the women who have experienced [MOM], and the testimonials I have seen, so successful? CLICK TO REVEAL ANSWER

If I’m just getting started and don't have a ton of experience weight training, will this program still work for me? CLICK TO REVEAL ANSWER

I don’t have access to a gym, but I train at home. Will this program still benefit me? CLICK TO REVEAL ANSWER

I only have 4 sets of dumbbells (light, medium, heavy and very heavy) and a bench. Will [MOM] still help me build muscle? CLICK TO REVEAL ANSWER

How much time will it take to complete a workout? CLICK TO REVEAL ANSWER

I don’t have a bench or foam roller, can I just use a chair or an ottoman and skip the foam rolling? CLICK TO REVEAL ANSWER

My core has always been my weakest point, will this program really make a difference? CLICK TO REVEAL ANSWER

I do pilates and have done a little light weight dumbbell work in classes, will [MOM] be too advanced for me? CLICK TO REVEAL ANSWER

What can I expect right when I enroll in [MOM]? CLICK TO REVEAL ANSWER

If I don’t like the program, can I get a refund? CLICK TO REVEAL ANSWER

Tell me EXACTLY what equipment I will need? CLICK TO REVEAL ANSWER

How long do I have to access this program? CLICK TO REVEAL ANSWER
Participation in any fitness training program involves a risk of injury. By engaging in the activities and services provided by Ashley Borden Fitness and Lifestyle, LLC (“Company”) and Ashley Borden (“Trainer”) through the Muscles Over Menopause program, you acknowledge and agree to the following:
- You confirm that you are in good health, above the age of eighteen (18) years, and are physically sound without any condition, impairment, disease, infirmity, or illness that would prevent or impair your participation in the Muscles Over Menopause program.
- You understand that it is recommended to obtain a physician’s approval prior to engaging in the Muscles Over Menopause program. Additionally, you acknowledge the importance of regular physical examinations and consultations with your personal physician to receive guidance on physical activity and exercise.
- By participating in Muscles Over Menopause, you confirm that you have either obtained approval from your physician or have voluntarily chosen to proceed without such approval. You fully assume all risks and responsibility for any injuries, conditions, or other outcomes that may result from your participation.
Your participation in the Muscles Over Menopause program signifies your understanding and acceptance of these terms.